Ken Simon
























"Ken Simon (demonstrates) an extraordinary level of skill...beautifully acted."

Hi Drama on the world premiere of the NYC play Linguish



L Magazine on Simon's performance in Linguish


"Ken Simon is sleazily believable as the attorney wooing Harry’s wife."

—Time Out New  York on the NYC revival of Harry in Love


"Hilarious stylized comedy (is) quite wonderful, balancing the dexterous wordplay that pervades every moment of the piece—it's a Foreman play!—and the rapid-fire, and often dangerous-seeming, physicality."

— on Simon's performance in the NYC revival of Harry in Love


"(Simon) has a grand old time breathing life into such personalities as William’s pure theater delivered in an aggressively physical staging that leaves you breathless." on the NYC play I Am Star Trek


"I loved Simon’s shrink...I particularly liked his voice work,
which seemed a pitch or more below his usual timbre."

Trav S.D. on the NYC revival of Bunny Lake is Missing


"Fearless and fresh and passionately committed."

— on Simon's performance in the NYC play Antony and Cleopatra




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